
Legal warning

This legal document contains the Conditions that regulate the use of this website (hereinafter The Website), so we recommend that you read it carefully and abandon your browsing if you do not agree with them. Users who access this website must be of legal age and have full legal capacity to accept the following General Conditions:

Ownership of The Website

The owner of this website is The Exit (The Exit Valencia, C.B.) with CIF E-98856420 and address at Pere Bonfill Street, 6 – 46008 Valencia. For the purposes of communication and user notifications to The Website, the email address is and the contact telephone number is +34658364268.

Personal data protection

At the time of booking a reservation through The Website, user accepts that his personal data are incorporated into an automated file, in order to manage the reservation and in order to keep the user informed of news of their services. This file is registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, governed by Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and whose manager is The Exit. In any case, user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided at the time of completing his reservation.

According to current regulations on the protection of personal data, the owner of the file agrees to its confidentiality, adopting the appropriate technical and organizational measures to avoid any alteration, misuse and unauthorized access. Personal data provided by users will not be disclosed to third parties and will only be used by The Exit for the purposes described.

Users of this website may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of the data contained in the file managed by The Exit by requesting it in writing to The Exit Valencia, C.B. Pere Bonfill Street, 6 – 46008 Valencia or by sending an email to, with your personal data, photocopy of the user’s ID, email and signature.

Cookies policy

This website doesn’t use cookies to collect information from its users without their consent, nor does it record access IP addresses. Only own, session cookies are used for technical purposes (those that allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different options and services that exist in it).

In order to correctly provide the necessary services to its users, The Exit website contains links to third party websites whose privacy policies are unrelated to those of The Website. By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. Generally, if you use Internet you can accept or reject third-party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.

Liability limitation

This website guarantees its proper functioning, not being responsible for specific connection problems caused by external factors, such as power cuts, accidents or natural disasters.

The Exit reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep your information updated, adding, modifying, correcting or deleting the published content or the design of the website, without there being any obligation to give prior notice or in the knowledge of the users of the possible modifications made, understanding their publication on the website as sufficient.

The Exit is not responsible for the information and content published by third parties through social networks or through any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on The Exit website. However, as administrator of this website, The Exit will review and remove all content in the form of text, image or sound that may contravene morality and public order, legislation or the rights of third parties.

The Exit is not responsible for the content of the web pages to which your website redirects, nor for any possible breaches of current regulations that these pages may incur at any time. In any case, The Exit states that it will proceed to the immediate removal of any content that could contravene morality and public order, legislation or the rights of third parties.

Intellectual and industrial property

The website design and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear on it belong to The Exit and they are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

The entire content of this website in the form of text, image and sound, as well as its structure and presentation is protected by Spanish laws on intellectual and industrial property.

The total or partial reproduction of this website for profit will require, in any case, the prior written authorization of the person in charge of The Website. Any unauthorized use by The Exit will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

The Exit may ask users for image rights, for promotional purposes, of those photographs taken within its facilities.


The current prices for our rooms are 40 euros per team of 2 players and room, 50 euros per team of 3 to 6 players in the game of the Nuclear bunker, 50 euros per team of 3 to 5 players in the game of The prison, and 60 euros per team of 6 players in The prison game, with VAT included, never admitting more than 6 players per room. All the prices that appear on The Website have applied the legal taxes provided in the applicable Spanish regulations.

The Exit reserves the right to apply discounts for promotions, which will be offered and applied for a specified time.

Bookings and payments

To make a booking on this website, the calendar enabled for this purpose will be used, and you can choose between the days and hours that are available at booking time.

The booking will require some user’s data: name, email address and a contact telephone number. The Exit will send an email to the email account provided by the user confirming the booking information.

Booking deposit will be 15 euros per room. Once you have completed the entire online booking process through the bank gateway (virtual POS), you will receive a confirmation of payment and booking. Online payments can be made through our virtual POS using VISA and MASTERCARD cards.

Participation conditions

The Exit is not responsible for the damages or accidents suffered by users during the course of the session caused by acts of vandalism, misuse of the rooms or reckless or negligent conduct of any of the users.

In the event that any of the users manifests a conflictive attitude or presents symptoms of being under the influence of drugs or other psychotropic substances that may alter their good judgment, The Exit reserves the right to cancel the session and deny entry to its rooms, especially if it can jeopardize the integrity of other clients.

The Exit doesn’t allow the participation of children under 10 years of age in the sessions if they aren’t accompanied by an adult.

Maximum duration of the sessions will be one hour, without this time being extended. A delay of more than 15 minutes in the beginning of the session will mean the cancellation of the same, and can not claim a refund of the fee paid.